Free and subsidised Health care to provided for patients through out the year at Project Mercy Clinic



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Project Mercy Clinic

Our clinic initiative provides quality healthcare to vulnerable populations who are unable to afford it—regardless of race, religion, status, or political affiliation.

Currently, we have three solutions in place to address the pressing need for medical care.

See Annual Reports

Subsidized Daily Clinic

Quality doctors are greatly needed for general, routine care. We aim to subsidize consultation, lab test, and medication costs. An estimated 600-800 patients will be attended to monthly, per current capacity. Consultations are just 100 Kenyan shillings—less than $1 USD! Our prices are the most in the city.

Lab Tests & Diagnostics

We're equipped with all-new, cutting-edge equipment, purchased after a month of research and consultation with hospitals and professionals. We have a high degree of confidence in providing our patient populations with the most economical offerings for all tests we conduct.

Specialist Camps

Our clinic holds free medical camps for specialists every weekend, which include ENT, opthamology (eye), dermatology, gynecology, urology, physician (diabetes & hypertension). Specialized care is prohibitively expensive, so the need is immense. Free medication is provided at all of our camps, per funds availability.

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